
Perseverance (noun) – steady persistence in a course of action, thought, or purpose. Simply put, perseverance is the quality of keeping on doing what you need to be doing. Encourage yourself daily to persevere, even if your business starts off slow or seems to stagnate, and you at least stand the chance of being a...Continue reading

Work Anytime

A lot of people fail early on in their business venture because they think that setting up and maintaining their own business, whether online or at a physical brick and mortar address, is easy and once the initial work is done they can sit back, relax, and watch the customers and money roll in. But...Continue reading

No Boss? Nope!

It’s no secret. Most employees, and probably yourself included (admit it), don’t like their boss. After all, no one wants to be told what to do every day, be accused of something they didn’t do, or disciplined for a mistake that was made. The reasons for not liking your boss are vast and sometimes very...Continue reading

Cautious Optimism

Optimism is good and positive, but too much of it can make you blind to losses and vulnerable to cheats and scams. In starting and running your business it can certainly help your attitude and overall outlook to be optimistic, but one must also temper it with prudence and good judgement.

Be Real

Guest post by Darla Mittler, CEO of Darla Mittler Document Magic.   It’s great that the internet has opened up so many channels of expression. Voicing your opinion has never been easier.   This ease of use has also given rise to the use of false identities. Faking who you are on the internet is...Continue reading

Christmas with the Kranks = Business Lesson: Respond to Market Demands!

“Christmas With the Kranks” is a slapstick comedy based on a book called “Skipping Christmas” by John Grisham. The upshot is that the protagonists, Luther and Nora Krank (played by Tim Allen and Jamie Lee Curtis), want to “skip” Christmas because their daughter is spending Christmas overseas in the Peace Corps. They plan to take...Continue reading

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